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Barry Cavanaugh, former CEO, Alberta Pharmacists' Association (RxA)

"As CEO of the Alberta Pharmacists' Association, I engaged the services of Michele Penz and Calico Communications to rescue and revamp our communications effort. During the course of the year that Michele contracted to us, she completely redeveloped our member communications effort and -- more importantly -- led us into a whole new world of proactive and effective media and public relations.

At a time when we really needed to get public and government understanding of pharmacists' issues (in order to support a legislative change for pharmacist prescribing, injections, and other enhancements), Michele delivered big time. We got a significant media presence all year, and particularly so at times when we needed it.

I have no hesitation in saying that Michele played a large role in pharmacists' getting to play the role in health care they do now and will tomorrow -- and ahead of any other jurisdiction. She works hard to understand the issues and our perspective thoroughly, she is a gifted writer and communicator, and she really gets things done. I can't say enough about the quality of her work and the powerful results. They simply don't get any better!"

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Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC)

Alberta Pharmacists' Association (RxA)

BC Pharmacy Association (BCPhA)

Association of Science & Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET)

Diabetes Canada

Agency Communications, PHSA

H.R. MacMillan Space Centre


Provincial Language Service, PHSA

Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health & Addiction, SFU


Canadian Association of Gift Planners

Tapestry Foundation for Health Care

Providence Health Care

Surrey Hospital & Outpatient Centre Foundation

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